MLIKI’s MPV products is now available! That’s right, you can now venture into the world of MLIKI and have you first taste of the product we have to offer. Just in case you hadn’t already caught on, MLIKI is a limitless digital items and physical goods marketplace. Mliki aims to create hybrid marketplace that makes it possible to purchase physical goods and digital items like NFTs at the touch of a finger.
MLIKI NFT Marketplace Is Now Live On Testnet
Mliki NFT marketplace is the NFT marketplace built on Polygon blockchain focusing highly on user experience and ease of use to create, buy, sell and trade NFTs including in-game NFT asset, collectible NFT, Metaverse NFT and many more.
We have successfully launched MLIKI NFT Marketplace on mumbay testnet in the past few weeks. To start things off, MLIKI NFT Marketplace supported the following functions on its testnet: Create a Collection, Mint an NFT, Buy/Sell an NFT, NFT Auction, Bid Function.
Follow the link bellow to try the MLIKI NFT Markeplace.
MLIKI Social Marketplace Alpha Version
Mliki social marketplace is centralized marketplace that allows the user to trades physical goods. Each customer will get their own physical goods shipped to their own address or location.
To start things off, MLIKI Social Marketplace supported the following functions on its alpha version: Sign-up, connect WEB3 wallet, explore listed physical good, invite other people to join your group buying and etc.
Follow the link bellow to try the MLIKI Social Markeplace.
We welcome all forms of productive feedback and suggestions from the community. If you have any major or minor discoveries/suggestions, do drop us a PM on Twitter or Telegram! The Testnet Incentivized will be held in the near future, so make sure you join our community.
Mliki is a limitless digital item and physical goods marketplace. Mliki aims to create a hybrid marketplace that makes it possible to purchase physical goods and digital item like NFTs at the touch of a finger